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Parents & Families

Supporting Your Student's Career Journey:

 As a family member, your role in assisting your student with career development and planning is invaluable. It requires active listening and an open mind, especially when dealing with uncertain and evolving ideas. Career development can be overwhelming for students, and your patience, empathy, and understanding are crucial, even when you may not fully agree with their thought processes or decisions.

To help your student stay focused and make the most of their time at WVU Tech, consider the following actions:

  1. Encourage visits to Career Development: Early engagement with Career Development can be instrumental in maximizing your student's college experience. Encourage them to seek guidance from Career Development starting in their first year, as it can prove beneficial throughout their journey.

  2. Suggest building a professional portfolio: A well-crafted resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile are essential tools for any student, whether seeking summer jobs, internships, or full-time employment. Encourage your student to have their materials reviewed by others and to attend workshops or seek support from Career Development.

  3. Foster future career planning: Plans may change during college, and Career Development can provide valuable coaching to guide students through career decisions. Encourage your student to view career planning as an ongoing process, supported by career assessments and occupational information.

  4. Advocate campus involvement in clubs and athletics: Active participation in extracurricular activities outside the classroom can significantly enhance a student's resume. Clubs, organizations, research projects, on-campus work, tutoring, community service, and athletic involvement can develop vital interpersonal, leadership, and teamwork skills.

  5. Promote building a career network and attending Career Events: Strong networking skills are essential for successful job searches. Encourage your student to tap into their natural networks, such as friends and family, while also taking advantage of networking opportunities offered through WVU Tech, such as company information sessions, career fairs, and academic program-sponsored events.

  6. Encourage professionalism online: Today, recruiters and hiring managers review candidates' online presence. Suggest your student set up a LinkedIn profile by their junior year and refrain from posting content that might adversely affect their job prospects. Career Development offers workshops on this topic annually.

  7. Highlight the value of internships, co-ops, and volunteer experiences: Relevant work experience is critical in the current job market. Encourage your student to participate in internships, co-ops, and volunteer opportunities, as they help build valuable workplace skills and often lead to faster job placement and higher salaries after graduation.

By actively supporting your student's career exploration and development, you play a pivotal role in shaping their success, setting them on a path towards a fulfilling and rewarding professional journey.